23.11.2021 15:00
Verleihung des Dr. Klaus Erkelenz Preises und Vortrag des Laureaten
Prof. Dr. Norbert Kaiser, TU München:
"Nuclear Interactions from Chiral Effective Field Theory"
In this talk the construction of the nucleon-nucleon potential in chiral effective field theory is reviewed, from leading order up to N4LO. After having understood the essentials of the chiral two-pion exchange at NLO, a more efficient method that focusses on spectral-functions is developed to evaluate multi-pion exchanges at higher orders. A further topic is the treatment of elastic NN-scattering in an approach with coupled nucleon and Delta-isobar channels based on chiral EFT interactions. The last topic concerns chiral three-nucleon forces, which are an indispensable ingredient in accurate few-nucleon and nuclear many-body calculations. In order to merge these with commonly used many-body techniques, the chiral 3N-force is converted into a density-dependent NN-potential. The construction of this in-medium potential is outlined up to subleading order, where also more demanding 3N-ring diagrams appear.