Advanced Quantum Field Theory (physics7501)
Lecturer: Akaki Rusetsky
Lecture: Wed 10-12, Thu 9-10, SR II, HISKP
Exercise groups:
Mo. 11-13, U2, Raum 0.033, AVZ I
Thu. 14-16, Konferenzraum II, PI 1.049, PI
1. The renormalization of the phi4 theory at one loop
2. Two loops: overlapping divergences
3. The renormalization group equations
6. Renormalizable and non-renormalizable interactions
7. Effective field theories. Decoupling theorem
8. Renormalization group and critical phenomena
10. Path integral in the field theory
11. Quantization of the gauge field theories
13. Ward identities in the path integral formulation: QED
14. Ward identities in the non-abelian gauge theories; Renormalization
17. Running mass and coupling constant. Renormalization group in QCD
18. Renormalization of the gauge theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking
19. Symmetries and anomalies i the path integral formalism
21. Scale anomaly and the origin of the nucleon mass
January 19: Khastyan, Shmavonyan
January 26: Essink, Gelenava
February 2: Mehra, Kaspschack
February 9: Bedrotiya, Wiesner, Arroyo
First exam: Friday, February 10, 15:00, HS 1