Kernphysikalisches Kolloquium im SS 2016
5.07.16 14:15
Models of inhomogeneity and backreaction in cosmology: A status report
David L. Wiltshire (Canterbury University, NZ)[more]
28.06.16 16:15
The extraordinary case of light scalar resonances: what do we know and why should we care?
José R. Peláez (Madrid)[more]
10.05.16 16:15
The Time Reversal Invariance experiment at COSY (TRIC)
Yury Valdau (FZ Juelich)[more]
3.05.16 16:15
Implications of the Planck results for particle physics
Julien Lesgourgues (RWTH Aachen)[more]
12.04.16 16:15
Ecology of stellar-mass black holes in globular clusters and implications for gravitational-wave radiation
Sambaran Banerjee (Uni Bonn)[more]