HISKP Colloquium
Tuesdays, 15:15 h, lecture hall HISKP
26.04.22 15:15
Verleihung des Dr. Klaus Erkelenz Preises und Vortrag des Laureaten
Dr. Shihang Shen (FZ Jülich) - "Structure and geometry of 12C from a Wigner SU(4) symmetric interaction"[more]
7.07.20 15:15
Elastic scattering amplitudes and resonant transition matrix elements from Lattice QCD
Marcus Petschlies (HISKP)[more]
28.01.20 15:15
Quantum computing: From the basic concepts to the embedding in an HPC environment
Kristel Michielsen (FZ Jülich)[more]
17.12.19 15:15
Verleihung des Dr. Klaus Erkelenz Preises und Vortrag des Laureaten
Patrick Reinert - "High-Quality nuclear forces from chiral EFT"[more]